Purdy the Penguin longs for adventures beyond the white South Pole!
Purdy the penguin was funny and smart, But longed for adventure with all of her heart.
She liked where she lived, but it didn’t feel right, The South Pole was fine, but it looked rather white!
There was snow on the mountains, and snow on the hills, So icy and cold, it gave Purdy the chills.
Snow on the sea, with its icebergs so tall, Wherever you looked, snow had covered it all.
Life in Antarctica’s often quite tough, So one day the penguin exclaimed, “That’s enough!”
“I want to go places where I’ve never been, I want to see valleys all covered in green.”
“I’d like to go far, where the sky’s not as grey, I want to smell flowers and swim every day.”
She called her best friends, and she told them her plan. After building a boat their adventure began.
Purdy’s best friends were called Barbie and Neil, One was a bird, and the other a seal.
The boat traveled fast with the wind in its sails, They saw tall, foamy waves and enormous blue whales.
They saw silvery fish jumping ever so high, And some beautiful sunsets that coloured the sky.
Neil gave directions observing the stars, While the bird, like a foghorn, was heard long and far.
The three sailed for weeks ‘till they noticed one day, That the snow all around them was melting away.
The coasts were no longer all covered in ice, They were vibrant and dazzling; they looked very nice.
The snow was replaced by green grass and tall trees, There was no gusty wind, but a cool, gentle breeze.
They got off from their boat to explore the new land, They picked up some flowers and played with the sand.
They splashed in the water, and tried yummy fruit, They ran and they laughed, they all had such a hoot.
Then Purdy called out, “Let’s go back to the shore, There’s still so much more I would like to explore.”
The journey resumed for the lovable crew. Who knows, maybe soon they’ll be sailing near you.
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